North Carolina landlord Tom Cruz, who claims to make over 300k per month in rent from people in Section 8 housing, has gone viral a few times in the past, each one more annoying than the last.
For example, in 2021, he posted a TikTok about the problems involved with organizing a vacation with someone who makes only $120,000 per year — chump change for those who sells courses about how to make money off of poor people. In this post, he also accidentally revealed that he has his friends organized on a spreadsheet by income level. What a cool and normal person!
Now, he’s going viral again, this time for a rental practice he boasts about proudly. In a video he originally posted to TikTok, he points his dead eyes at the camera and says he has evicted single mothers on multiple occasions.
“Guys, there’s nobody protected in my portfolio,” explains the real-life incarnation of the Troll Face. He then lists off people he would happily evict, including “the elderly, the disabled, the single moms.”
Cruz goes on to say that this is to protect his investment because god forbid someone who claims to make several millions of dollars per year lose a couple grand. And yes, before anyone asks, Cruz did get a PPP loan of $17,000 that was forgiven by the federal government with interest. Not sure why a self-proclaimed multimillionaire needs 17k, but maybe he just had a hard time paying rent that month.
Internet users weren’t thrilled by a video of a multimillionaire bragging about removing the destitute from their houses. A repost of Cruz’s video went viral on Twitter with the caption “Abolish landlords,” a sentiment many on the platform agreed with.
his cruelty is matched only by his smugness. a functioning society would not allow parasites like this to operate.
— The PoughKiernan Tapes (@KiernanRobinson) August 10, 2023
I think what's pissing me off the most here is he's talking about how he's renting out fucking section 8 housing (which for those who don't know, is extremely low income residency) while walking in his nice ass fancy house with a high up beach view patio.
— Vee (@SuperSquidoodle) August 10, 2023
Wishing this guy an unending litany of kidney stones. May he never know a painless piss.
— Jeff Havig (@JeffHavig) August 10, 2023
In response to backlash from his previous videos, he wrote in a comment that “all publicity is good publicity” — an “I’m actually laughing” response if there ever was one. But if you too want the thrill of watching a person tell their kids they can’t live in their house anymore, Cruz has video courses for sale — available now for the low, low price of just $5,000!